Thursday 10 November 2011

Molecular Compounds

·         7 molecules are diatomic

·         2 of the same elements

·         H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2

·         2 molecules are polyatomic

·         S8, P4

Naming Molecular Compounds

·         Use the name of the first element

·         Second element ends in-ide


N2 O4                         dinitrogen tetraoxide

Cs2                             Carbon disulphide

P4 O10                        tetraphosphorus decaoxide

Nitrogen trichloride          Ncl3

Sulfur dibromide                SBl2

Naming Acids and Bases

·         Hydrogen compounds are acids.

·         HCl(aq) ------------> hydrochloric acid

·         H2SO4(aq) --------------> Sulfuric acid

Acids/Bases to memorize

·         Hydrochloric acid -----------> HCl

·         Nitric Acid -------------> HNO3

·         Sulphuric Acid -----------> H2SO


-HOCCCOOH(aq) ------------------------> C2 O4 (-2)


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