Sunday 6 November 2011

Atomic Theory


  • Democritus proposed that all mater, the "stuff" that makes up the world around is, is actually composed of tiny, indivisible particles.
  • He called them atomos, from which we get the English word atom.
  • He would have said that you could not cut a piece of aluminum foil into infinitely smaller pieces. Eventually, you would divide the foil into individual atoms, which he thought could be divided no further.
  • An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains the chemical identity of that element.

Antoine Lavoisier: 

  • Lavoisier carefully measured the mass of substances before and after a chemical reaction and found that the masses were always equal.
  • no mass was gained or lost in a reaction.
  • A chemical reaction neither creates nor destroys matter, but the matter is conserved.

Joseph Louis Proust:

  • Proust found that a given compound always contains the same elements in the same proportions by mass.
  • For example, the mass of water is always 88.9% oxygen and 11.1% hydrogen.

John Dalton:

  • Each element is composed of extremely small particles call atoms.
  • All atoms of a given element are identical, but they differ from those of any other element
  • Atoms are neither created nor destroyed in any chemical reaction
  • A given compound always has the same relative numbers and kinds of atoms

By: Krysta Del Rosario

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