Sunday 2 October 2011

Significant digits and Scientific Notation

How we determine what digits are significant:

-all numbers other than 0 are significant

-if the 0 comes after 4 the decimal

·         341----------------> 3

·         41.002 -----------------> 5

·         0.00110 -------------------> 3

-when we add or subtract two numbers we determine the number of significant digits in the answer by rounding the lowest number of significant digits in the initial number.

-When we multiply or divide two numbers we determine the number of significant digits by rounding the lowest significant digits.

-Round only original numbers.

250,000,000 = 2.5x10(8)

0.00940 = 9.4x10(-3)

7,700,000,000,000 = 7.7x10(12)

0.000,000,000,85 = 8.5x10(-10)  

2.57x10(4) = 25700

1.5x10(-5) = 0.000015

8.11x10(7) = 81100000

3.50x10(-3) = 0.00350

What is wrong with writing 25.10(8)?

You cannot have a two-digit number in the front.


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