Saturday 21 April 2012

Organic Chemistry (Nomeclature)

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds.
      -Carbon forms multiple covalent bonds
Carbon compoundscan form chains, ring, or branches
      - Organic compounds have more than 17,000,000
      - There are less than 100,000 non-organic compounds.
The simplest organic compounds are made of carbon and hydrogen.

Examples of organic compounds:

Saturated compounds have no double or triple bonds.
Compounds with only single bonds are called Alkanes and always end in -ane.
   * If you don't remember what the ending is, you can remember that Alkanes ends in -ane.


There are 3 categories of organic compounds
   1) Straight Chains

   2) Cyclic Chains

   3) Aromatics

For now, we'll just focus on straight chains.
Straight Chains:

Rules for naming straight chain compounds:

1) Circle the longest continuous chain and name this as the base chain
    - meth, eth, prop, ...
2) Number the base chain so side chains have the lowest possible numbers.
3) Name each side chain using the -yl ending
4) Give each side chain the appropriate number.
     - If there is more than one identical side chain numbers/labels are slightly different
5) List side chains in alphabetical order.

-Candace Chan

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