Tuesday 7 February 2012

Other Conversions: Volume and Heat

As you did before, the conversion factor for volume is 22.4 L/mol
Heat can be used as a separate term in the chemical reactions
    -This is called enthalpy
    - Rxns that release heat are exothermic
    - Rxns that absorb heat are endothermic
Both can be use in stoichiometry


If 5.0g of methane (CH4) decomposed, what volume of hydrogen would you have?

1) Balance your equation

CH4= C + 2H2

2) Start writing the equation out to find the volume of hydrogen

5.0g  x  1 mole    x    x    2g       = 0.31 g of hydrogen
                16 g         1       1 mol


-Candace Chan

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